Achievers Early College Prep - Middle School
Vision & Mission
Achievers Early College Prep Charter School (AECP) is New Jersey’s first public charter school for students in grades 6-12 that provides them with the unique opportunity to take a two-year course of study in STEM fields following the 10th grade, enabling them to redefine the high school experience and graduate with skills, experiences, and content mastery that’s significant to them in the market place and the world beyond.
AECP wants to make it possible for students in Trenton to earn, at no or low cost:
- A High school diploma
- Up to 60 transferable college credits
- An associate’s degree
- Workplace learning, credentials and internships
This alternative to a traditional middle and high school is founded on the belief that many underserved minority students are not prepared early enough for college and competitive STEM studies. They tend to lack the emotional and financial resources to apply to, enroll in, and complete degrees of study that will be professionally and financially rewarding in the long run. Achievers Early College Prep benefits from the leadership and experience of New York and New Jersey-based charter school operators, teachers, college professors, community leaders and early college school leaders.

Meet Our Team
ELA/Humanities Team

Math Team


Special Education

Child Study Team
Leadership Team

Support Roles

Student Support
Office Support


School Directors

Middle schools and high schools need to innovate significantly to educate our kids for tomorrow’s industries.
In what's being hailed as the next Opportunity Gap, African-Americans and Latinos are trailing behind their White and Asian counterparts taking part in the science, technology and engineering education and careers. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that, during the period 2010–2020, employment in S&E occupations will grow by 18.7%, compared to 14.3% for all occupations. The National Science Foundation projects that individuals employed in S&E occupations earn considerably more than the median earnings for all occupations. Median earnings for S&E occupations were $74,380 in 2009 and $78,270 in 2012. Median earnings for all occupations were $33,190 in 2009 and $34,750 in 2012.
Bottom-line: A STEAM career is a sure way to secure your economic future. If low-income African-American and Latino students do not get early exposure to STEAM sciences and careers, and have the chance to build their skills in these areas, these groups risk being shut out of the most promising gateway into the middle class and economic opportunity for years to come.
Cisco and CTE Academy
Coming soon!

Clubs, Sports and Passion Projects
Coming soon!
Sample Schedule
Coming soon!
Project-based Learning: Winter Fair and Performance Tasks
Coming soon!