504 Plan
ABOUT OUR 504 Plans
If a student has a documented disability and is in need of accommodations to be able to access the general education curriculum, they may be eligible for a 504 plan. 504 Plans do not provide individualized and specialized education services. 504 Plans are implemented by general education teachers.
A 504 Plan is a legal document that provides accommodations to regular education students with special needs in major life activities. The 504 Plan falls under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and is a regulation of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights. Some examples of major life activities addressed are: caring for oneself, walking, seeing, hearing, and learning. A 504 Plan is not an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for Special Education Students. Families may request a 504 Plan for children who, with reasonable accommodation, can be successful in a regular education program. For each case, staff and family at the meeting will need to make a decision about how often to review the 504 Plan and when follow-up meetings should be made.
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Examples of What Might Be Included:
- Adjustment to test taking (more time, questions given orally)
- Seating near the blackboard or near the teacher
- A child may be excused from class to get medications
- A child with Diabetes may be allowed to eat in class
Who is Responsible for a 504 Plan?
- The student (if appropriate)
- Parent or Legal Guardian
- Teacher
- Administrator
- School 504 Coordinator may be a staff person on the Student Support and/or Child study Teams)
Others who may be included, as appropriate:
- School Counselor, Social Worker and/or Psychologist
- Physician, Psychiatrist, or other health professional
- Mental Health Clinician
- Speech/Language Pathologists
- Occupational Therapist/Physical Therapist